Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Tattoo Experience

Getting a tattoo was a long wish of mine. But to show off my tattoo I needed the muscles to flex it. So, once I got an ok sort of build, I decided to have it, the TATTOO.
For us, everything starts from Google. I got a list of Tattoo shops in Singapore. Sorted them out based on the accessibility from my office and home. Called them up and then decided to go for 'Whopper Tan's- Familiar Strangers' tattoo shop.
Over the email, we discussed upon the design, the rates, and finally we decided to fix the meeting. We zeroed on two designs. Apple Chu-the resident artist drew both of them and sketched them out for us. The whole process took nearly an hour and I was impressed by their professionalism and commitment to work. I think this is what happens when you do something which you are passionate about. We finally decided on the 'Dragon'. He he he, people beware, from now on I will have my own pet dragon on my right arm.

The process-
The artist sketched the whole design on a tracing paper and carbonized it. Then the part of body, which needs to tattooed was rubbed thoroughly with deodorant. The tracing paper was placed on my am and the design got copied. Apple then carefully sketched the missing lines.
The needles are out, the paints are open and machines are roaring..Fun part is over and now lets get down to serious stuff, which is very very painful :(
Whopper told me, the whole process might exceed 3 hours. My God!!!! 'Grrrrrrrrrr' machine started, Whopper and Apple looked at me in a very sympathetic way and OUUUUUCHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! there goes the needle on to my skin..First job is to complete the border. Whopper and his friend talked to me, to divert my attention whenever they saw me in pain. Half an hour into real physical punishment and I was wondering, why I am doing it?? If I was so eager to die, there are better and easier ways to it. Why suffering 3 hours of hardship??? Latter Whopper told me, people who have less fat in their body, feels more pain because beneath their skin there is blood, no fat. 'Brother, you should have told me earlier, I would have eaten burgers for a month and then come.' After some 1.5 hours, the bordering was complete and I could see blood all over my arm. 5 minutes break, life saving precious 5 minutes!!!
During the break Apple and Whopper discussed about the way forward. 5 minutes over, come here baby..The colouring started. Its more painful, the needles are scratching my skin. I once saw Apple, she was totally engrossed on the design and Whopper was closely monitoring the progress. What a dedication!!!! After more than 3.5 hrs at around 1:20 am, Apple finally said 'Finished'. Oh my God!!!! I was so relieved.. I saw my DRAGON on the mirror and I am satisfied man. Whopper and Apple quickly called for a photo session. After the payment, they thanked me and I thanked them in return for the wonderful job.

Quick Advice- Although painful I feel its worth having it. If anyone of you decide to have a tattoo, please think of what you want and always spend time on designing part. Also, carefully choose what colours to use. It should be based on the skin tone. Its always good to have it done from professionals and make sure the whole process is hygienic. Its very important that you take good care of the tattoo after it is done. The whole thing takes something between 2-3 weeks to get assimilated in your body.

Good idea -'Tattoo for revenge'- If you hate someone and want to take revenge or if you want your beloved to be taught a lesson, mind you there is no better way to do it, than to 'Gift them a Tattoo'. Sit through the whole process and when you see pain in their eyes, your revenge will be completed. They will remember you for the rest of their life.

With that note, I will stop. Enjoy the pics on the following link-

Something big is coming up in my life in two week's time. Will keep posted...

1 comment:

  1. Good description Dude.. I think i will have Tattoo first and then start workout in gym.. What say? :-)
